Rapid Weight Loss Tips and Tricks

Useful tips, tricks and education for those who are struggling with obesity.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

How To Get Rid Of A Beer Gut

Here are 7 small life changes you can make to your every day routine to help to get rid of a beer gut:

1. Park the car a few blocks from work forcing you to walk the rest of the journey every day to incorporate some exercise into your daily routine. If you take the bus or train try and get off a stop or 2 early (take a change of shoes for this).

2. Try and avoid taking lifts and escalators if there are stairs you can take instead.
3. Swap coffee for green tea.

4. Split your meals up into 5 or 6 smaller meals throughout the day, this will increase your metabolism and therefore burn more fat.

5. Drink lots of water, particularly when you get up and before you go to bed.

6. Eat larger meals earlier in the day when you need the energy and smaller ones in the evening when extra energy will only end up being stored as fat. Remember this expression;- "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and sup like a pauper" but try and split this into 5 or 6 meals instead of the usual 3.

7. Be conscious of how you sit at your desk or how you hold yourself during your day to day routine. One of the best ways to develop a flat tummy is to exercise your transverse abdominus. You do this by holding in your stomach (without holding your breath). Aim to see how long you can hold it in for and better your time every day.
Drawing your belly button into your spine is sometimes referred to as 'activating your core'. If you work at a computer set a calendar reminder to 'activate your core' several times a day. If you don't work at a computer set your watch or phone alarm to remind you to do this. Tensing your stomach muscles and drawing your naval into your spine is something you can do sitting or standing and in almost any situation.

These 7 tips can make a world of difference to helping you get rid of a beer gut if you add them to your daily routine. Proper diet and exercise play an important part as well, however it is possible to 'multitask' and lose your beer gut when you're at work and even at play.
If you combine these routine changes with a solid exercise and diet system you'll start seeing results a lot quicker than you thought possible. Of course you'll want to make sure you're using the right diet and exercise system.
By Peter Webber

Monday, March 31, 2008

Are You Constipated?

Are You Constipated?

Have you ever thought or said to yourself "if I could just take a 10 pound dump, I would feel so much better." I know I have on more occasions that I would like to admit.

Did you know that if you are not pooping three times a day that you are constipated? Did you also know that a small group of doctors have discovered that ALL disease starts in the colon? I hope I now have your attention.

Death begins in the colon. Don't believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80 percent with waste material. You could be plugging your colon with years of waste. Years of poison.

We are constipated because of the food that we put into our bodies. Any food that is altered by man is the culprit.

Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal complaints in the United States. More than 4 million Americans have frequent constipation, accounting for 2.5 million physician visits a year.

The colon is a sewerage system, but by neglect and abuse it becomes a cesspool. When it's clean and normal we are well and happy.

If your colon is not functioning properly it will:

Distill the poisons of decay, fermentation and putrefaction, into the blood, poisoning the brain and nervous system so that we become mentally depressed and irritable.
Poison the heart so that we are weak and listless.
Poison the lungs so that the breath is foul.
Poison the digestive organs so that we are distressed and bloated.
Poison the blood so that the skin is sallow and unhealthy.

In a nutshell, every organ of the body is poisoned, and we age prematurely, look and feel old, the joints are stiff and painful, neuritis, dull eyes and a sluggish brain overtake us; the pleasure of living is gone.

The cause for constipation is the food we put into our bodies. Since the body is mainly water, it makes sense to put water foods into our bodies, like fruit and vegetables. Preferably organic fruits and vegetables so that we are not putting harmful pesticides into our bodies.

It is critical to offer our digestive system ideal food that will nourish it and keep our colon clean, avoiding constipation. Relying on over the counter quick fixes will not result in long term good health. Here are some helpful tips:

If you currently have digestive issues consult a Naturopathic Doctor in your area.
Increase vegetables in your diet (water food)
Choose food over food-like products
Increase both soluble & insoluble fiber from whole foods. You might choose to add a fiber supplement
Colon Cleanse

I saved the most important one for last. Are you clean inside? In this modern, toxic world it's becoming a simple fact of life that our colon (the ‘sewer system' of the body), liver and other organs also require regular cleaning. Just like a car requires an oil change periodically.

How do you know when it's time to free your body of accumulated toxins, parasites and other waste materials? If you experience one or more of the following, then it's time to detoxify:

Frequent fatigue and low energy
Flatulence, gas & bloating
Excess weight
Food allergies
Impaired digestion
Irritability, mood swings
Bad breath & foul-smelling stools
Parasites in stool
Frequent colds
Recurring headaches
Chronic constipation
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Protruding belly ("pooch")
Powerful food cravings
Skin problems, rashes, etc.
Metallic taste in mouth
Candida infection

So How Do You Properly Detoxify Your Body?

Now that we know why it is crucial to cleanse and detoxify our body regularly, we have to know how to do it properly. Here's a quick overview:

1. First you cleanse your colon with specific herbs to clean out all the toxic plaque, debris and parasites

2. While cleansing the colon, you have to replenish the good bacteria that protects the flora balance, which in turn protects you as it is part of your immune system

3. Then as a final step, using detoxifying herbs, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, you detox your liver, blood, brain, tissues, basically your whole body

You can achieve this through several methods the easiest, most effective, is Dr. Suzanne's methods.
Maybe you've heard of her, she is the doctor that is receiving death threats because she has been working secretly to uncover the cure for obesity, and what she has to say is amazing and will shock you. Not to mention that it will gross you out.
Read more about Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, what you read will shock you, and gross you out.
Take Care,

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

If you're interested in getting leaner, there is a great new ebook that you must check out, by Tom Venuto. Tom is one of the most respected names in the bodybuilding game because of the amazing physique he has built WITHOUT the use of steroids or other drugs.

Here is a guy who has competed in bodybuilding 28 times at between 3.7% and 4.5% bodyfat, which is a phenomenal achievement when you realize that it's been done naturally.

Tom's program is based on using the right type, frequency and intensity of exercise (BURN), which allows you to actually eat more (FEED) and still easily shed your unwanted body fat. There is NO starvation dieting involved.

This program also allows you to keep your muscle, which is important because most conventional diets cause you to lose at least a pound of lean tissue for every pound of fat you lose. Retaining muscle is the key to optimal fat burning metabolism.

Take care,


We Are What We Eat

We are what we eat, says the ancient Indian system of health and well being called Ayurveda. In our modern day and age, we don't seem to be paying very much attention to our foods (how they are made) and our body (what we eat). I find that schools and homes both encourage poor choice of foods. Follow these simple steps to get you and your family back to healthy eating. Healthy Eating can protect your body from a variety of diseases including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Simple Dos and Don'ts

5 Simple Dos

  • Eat a balanced diet consisting of 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables and small portions.
  • Buy only organic foods with the USDA seal.
  • Read Ingredients and choose whole grain products (whole wheat bread over white bread or brown rice over white rice) and high GI (Glycemic Index) foods.
  • Increase the consumption of Omega Fatty Acids (found naturally in fish, walnuts, flax seed).
  • Drink Plenty of Fluids (Filtered Water, Green or Herbal Tea) and Take Supplements.

5 Simple Don'ts

  • Don't Buy products that use partially hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup.
  • Don't eat a lot of High GI foods
  • Don't drink several glasses of fluids that are not healthy (coffee, coke, etc.)
  • Don't Eat when you are not hungry
  • Don't buy berried (blueberries, strawberries) or other thin skinned fruits NON-ORGANIC. They contain the highest residue of pesticides.

More Dos

  • Utilize Green Leafy Vegetables
  • Go with high fiber foods (fruits/vegetables over highly processed foods).
  • Switch to Green or White Tea instead of Coffee/Tea.
  • Using Olive Oil instead of Corn/Sunflower oil in your foods
  • Use Flax oil
  • What about coconut oil? Coconut Oil Research suggests that Coconut oil has health benefits.
  • Incorporate Anti Inflammatory foods (ginger, turmeric, broccoli, garlic) into your diet.
  • Use brown rice instead of white rice.

More Don'ts

  • Don't buy berries (blueberries, strawberries) or other thin skinned fruit's non-organic. They contain the highest residue of pesticides.
  • Don't consume foods that are deep fried on a regular basis.
  • Don't Buy products that have high fructose corn syrup.


Find a grocery store that stocks natural and organic food. Whole Foods is one of them.

Costco Shopping In the US Costco has started to carry numerous organic and healthy choices. If you are a Costco shopper in the US, look for the following items (Organic Brown Basmati Rice, Organic Flax seed, Organic Oatmeal, Organic Cereal, Organic Soy milk). There are produce such as Bananas that I have found that are Organic.

Read more about foods that are good for you and that can speed up the weight loss process.

Take care,


Monday, March 24, 2008

Parasites In Our Bodies

This is going to be hard to believe, however, over 80% of people living in western countries have parasites in their bodies. These parasites feed off the food we eat, absorb most of these nutrients for their own benefit and leave us feeling empty.

This causes many people to eat more. Also because most of the nutrients are absorbed by those nasty parasites, what we get is the bad stuff that makes us more unhealthy and fat.

By getting rid of these parasites through the use of several detox methods, the body cleans itself, gets rid of these parasites for good and fat reserves are burned off causing people to lose 10, 20, 30 and even 40 pounds.

Factual Evidence That There Are Parasites In People: (Taken straight out of the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Book, word for word.)--> Medical textbooks have estimated that over 150 million people in America alone suffer from intestinal parasite infection.--> Over 55 million American children have worms.--> Once in the intestinal tract, parasites have easy access to other parts of the body where they imitate various symptoms and diseases.--> Many doctors call it the silent epidemic, affecting 8 out 10 Americans.--> Human can play host to over 100 different kinds of parasites ranging from microscopic to tapeworms that are several feet long.

Here is a basic list of conditions people who have parasites can suffer from: Diarrhea, if you get sick often, parasites hurt the immune system making you more susceptible to sickness and diseases. Muscle pains, back pains, joint pains, allergies, acne and other skin conditions. Nervousness, insomnia or sleep problems in general, fatigue, excess weight gain, bloating, gas and more...

Read about more symptoms here

Do people really lose 10, 20, or 30 pounds?

Absolutely. It seems impossible but believe it or not, there are at least 10 pounds of undigested food in most people's bodies that stick to your intestines and add more weight.

In addition people also have at least 10-20 pounds of excess weight because of this. Because the body stores fat in order to protect you from these parasites.

With the strategies provided in the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Book, people get rid of these parasites as well as the undigested food. That gets rid of at least 10 pounds in 1 week.

After those things are gotten rid of, the body gets rid of it's excess fat. This gets rid of belly fat, love handles and excess weight very quickly. In most cases 10-20 pounds.The result is 20-30 pounds of weight loss in most people. Some can lose even more depending on their situation. The weight stays off for good.

Lose Weight Fast


Fat/weight loss and the colon; what does one have to do with the other? EVERYTHING!

A small group of doctors discovered that ALL sickness and diseases (including obesity) start in the intestine (your colon).

This happens because of “toxic build-up” due to the body being unable to get rid of a small amount of what you eat in every single meal or snack you take in. And over time, this little “left over bit” starts to add up in a big way.

Although each small meal or snack may seem meaningless to you, this build up of toxins causes your body to build up fat.

Where do these toxins come from? Based on research, these toxins are in our drinking water and the foods we eat, which slow down our metabolism amongst a ton of other things. The poisons or toxins include nonprescription and prescription drugs, chemical residue used in the growing of food, the artificial food additives used by manufacturers, and the toxins in our water supply, primarily chlorine and fluoride.

Most fat people are affected by growth hormones put in meat and dairy products. Our meat and dairy supply is loaded with growth hormones. These hormones are given to the animals to speed growth in order to increase production. When you consume meat and dairy you are giving yourself massive amounts of growth hormones. This leads to obesity.

One good way to remember it is: the farther away any product is from its natural state, the more potentially harmful it is; foods that are created or altered by man.

Toxins lodge primarily in the colon and fat cells throughout the body. When you are highly toxic your body demand that these toxins be diluted. This causes your body to retain water and increase its fat stores in an attempt to dilute the poisons, because these foods cannot pass through the digestive system quickly and cannot be broken down well, they will linger inside your body.

We also need to be made aware of parasites living inside us. Where do these parasites come from, and what do they have to do with weight loss? Parasites come from the fish we eat, and they live inside our bowels, and we must get rid of them. Literally “poop” them out.

There is a lady doctor by name of Suzanne Gudakunst who has accurately determined the definitive correlation between harmful plague and parasitic infestations of the human bowel tract, and people suffering chronic obesity -- and who despite intense diet and exercise appeared to be unable to lose any weight whatsoever.

Over the course of six years the Arizona doctor developed a number of natural treatments for the removal of these same harmful, even life-threatening plaques and rapidly reproducing digestive parasites -- and when applied to even worse-case patients suffering extreme obesity (98% of which were in immediate danger of dying) she saw a 100% effectiveness and success rate.

She then borrowed from her research on the severely obese, and applied the same strategies on milder cases of overweight persons -- only to find the same effectiveness and quality results as described above (although the individual weight loss per subject wasn't nearly as much as those obese patients 100 lbs to 200 lbs or more overweight).

So powerful is her secret that she's able to reverse diabetes, rid illness altogether in people suffering from cancer (linked directly to poor diet and overweight factors).

Nearly 100% of all her case subjects were told in the alternative by "conventional doctors" that they either had just months or years to live, or they would never live a life anything resembling remotely a "normal" existence -- yet after applying Dr Suzanne's treatments saw a complete contradiction to others doctors' prognoses.

Again, nothing about her secret is unnatural or requires someone to do any major action or modification in their lives.

Read moreabout Dr. Suzanne.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Food That Promotes Fat and Weight Loss

When God developed the body, he specifically created certain foods for its use. These are the foods that grow and exist in nature. Our digestive systems purpose is to break down and utilize the food that you eat. When you eat the correct foods the body knows exactly how to break it down, dispense the nutrients to body cells, and quickly eliminate un-needed toxins and by-products.

Food that promotes fat and weight loss is packed with living vitamins, minerals, water, fiber and the enzymes needed to digest the food itself.

In order to get off on the right foot and be able to quickly lose fat and weight we must first cleanse our bodies to rid it of all the toxins, and impurities. Click the link below for more information:

Fruits, whole grains, vegetables, proteins like eggs, fish, and chicken, good fats like avocado, almonds, and olive oil, and all kinds of nuts and seeds. These can all be made into hundreds of easy recipes that will make you never miss anything or have cravings.

Here is a list of good carbohydrates starting with fruits: apples, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, currants, grapefruit, grapes, honeydew, kiwi, lemons, limes, mango, nectarines, orange, peach, pear, pineapple, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, tangerines, and watermelon.

Whole Grains: cream of brown rice, hot whole grain cereal, barley, rye, spelt, millet, brown, jasmine, and basmati rice, rice cakes, rice noodles, puffed rice cereal,.

All natural, whole grain, no chemical, no sugar breads, and cereals, gluten free bread and sprouted grain breads. Breads that are live sprouted grains that are yeast free are best. Barley, buckwheat, rye, spelt, millet, oats, grits.

Starchy vegetables; potato, sweet potato, corn, peas, and squash.

Regular vegetables: alfalfa, artichoke, arugula, asparagus, bamboo shoots, beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, collard greens, cucumber, eggplant, escarole, green beans, kale, lettuce, mustard greens, onions, parsley, parsnips, pea pods, portobello, radish, radicchio, scallion, seaweed, shallots, snap peas, snow peas, spinach, string beans, tomato, turnips, watercress, wheat grass and zucchini.

Good Proteins (beans): chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, lima, navy, white and pinto beans.

This is an overview of the foods that are good for you, and that actually promote fat loss. In order for your body to get off on the right foot, you need a colon cleanse. If you are overweight, chances are your digestive system is slow and sluggish. Unless you are having two to three bowel movements everyday, you are in fact constipated. Cleansing the colon will dramatically increase your metabolism, and you can lose a minimum of 10 pounds by simply getting rid of the toxins in your colon. Doctors now believe that ALL DISEASE starts in the colon. I can not stress that enough. Click the link below for more information. MAKE SURE YOU WATCH THE VIDEO.


Take charge and do what needs to be done. You'll look better, you'll feel better, and you will be healthier.
